
  • Historic Trail Restoration

    By analyzing historic maps alongside the USFS, SAGE identifies trails that have been lost to time and works to bring them back into the system. We have restored 45km of trails in the region over the past 3 years, with plans for an additional 106km of trail restoration by 2030.

  • Post Fire Restoration

    Fires are a fact of life on the Central Coast, often impacting both lives and landscapes. SAGE restored 24km of trails after the Thomas Fire, providing nature access as an escape both physically and mentally for those impacted by natural disaster.

  • Landscape Restoration

    Alongside our Land Trust and Botanical Garden partners, SAGE works on restoration ecology throughout projects to reduce invasive species cover and encourage native regrowth. SAGE follows through on protection and advocacy, as evidenced in our partnered lawsuit against SCE after their watershed impact in Mission Canyon. Funds from this settlement have produced bilingual signage, funded ecological studies, and improved trail condition on Tunnel and Jesusita Trails.